- A prospective client I met for business. I mean, that's what LinkedIn is for! You can't award business to someone when you see some of the lame quizzes they like to take (I plead guilty to that!)
- That college batchmate whom I rarely spoke to. I mean - you didn't feel the need to socialize with me then, what's changed now?
- Someone from my ex-company. I'd like to keep my "updates" away from your judgemental eyes!
- An intern who works for me. Why? He's a great guy and all that - but I'll add him later when he's no longer an intern. I don't want him to see "Screwed up week..." kind of status updates from me when he logs in!
- Someone from school who never spoke to me when I was in school. Moreover, a male of the species. Not interested! ;)
- A cousin. I suspect she just wants to spy on my feeds for female activity to alert her folks (and mine too maybe). True - there are other cousins and my young devil of a brother on my friend list who can do the same, but given that they publish not-so-family-friendly stuff ("Which sexy tennis star should you date" kind of quizzes) too, we have an unspoken mutual agreement of not taking stuff to elders.
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