Friday, October 9, 2009

My travel map

I came back from a weekend trip to Pachmarhi (photos in the next post), and I was thinking about the next trip already!

I haven't seen a lot of Central and Western India, so I decided to put every city I've visited on a Google Map, to get a big picture. However the exercise is quite time consuming, so right now the map is incomplete. Even then, it is interesting to watch lots of clustered pins and wide, unseen areas.

View Adi's travel map in a larger map

Goes to show how much there is to see within India! Looking at the map, I realize there's a whole lot of trips waiting to happen in Western and Central India, Karnataka, Kashmir and Ladakh and many unseen places in the East (including Kolkata).

Plan of action? Get the venture to generate enough cash to fund these travel dreams!
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