Sunday, October 18, 2009

Diwali: Festival of sweets..err..lights

Hope you had a fun-filled Diwali! I sure did, and tomorrow (or maybe day-after-tomorrow) I can go back to a normal diet after three days of hogging everything that came my way!

Delhi celebrates Diwali with a fervour that few other cities can match. Colourful lights (all made in China, of course) light up homes everywhere, and the Government is kind enough to spare the routine power cuts!

One important tip for shooting from terrace during Diwali – be very careful of “rockets”! I had a couple of them burst quite close by, and I decided to take only a handful of shots and go back.

Well I don’t burst crackers myself, being a member of the “Crackers=Noise+Pollution” school of thought. However, one can’t avoid admiring fireworks that spread out and light up the sky in glorious colours before blowing out.

Well these photographs don’t do justice to the spectacular display I witnessed from the terrace last night, but then I’m happy I made the attempt! Next time, with some more planning, perhaps I’ll shoot better photos. Once again, happy Diwali!